The Baxter Veteran's Memorial was designed and constructed by Baxter American Legion Post #493 and numerous volunteers during late summer 1997 and was dedicated in November of that same year. The original memorial is made up of 2 walls which include over 300 names of Baxter area residents who served in the military, beginning with the War of 1812, each engraved on a brick mounted within the walls. The original memorial also includes a flag pole and monument. In 2014 Legion Post #493 determined the need to extend the original memorial to include 2 additional walls due to requests for additional veteran bricks. Along with construction of the two additional walls, two military statues and two additional flag poles were added.
Baxter Youth Organizations
Hominy Ridge 4H
- Rick Kucera
- Kassy Shanks
- Hominy Ridge 4H Club | Facebook
Summer Rec Program
- Brooke Jones
- Boys/Girls Bam-Bam Ball/T-Ball/Softball/Baseball
- Boys/Girls Basketball
- Boys Flag Football
- Girls Volleyball
- Boys/Girls Soccer
- Boys/Girls Wrestling
The Hideout (Youth after-school hangout)
Monday-Friday 3pm-5pm on school days
Contact: Chris Roby 515-480-0376
Bitty Bolts Dance & Cheer Clinics
Dance Coach: Nicole Burdess
Cheer Coach:
Library Programs:
Contact: Chantelle Maxwell
- Storytime Tuesdays at 10am
- After School Fun-Grades 2-5 (STEM, Art, Legos, Games) Wednesdays 3:15-4:30pm (School year only)
- All Ages Summer Reading: Tues & Thurs at 10am
Swim Lessons
Melbourne Pool
Church Programs:
- Baxter Bethany UCC (Sunday School at 9:15am) Contact: Debbie Hansen
- Baxter Congregational Church (Sunday School during worship service, Sept.-May at 10am, May-Aug. at 9:30am)
- EFREE Church (Sunday School at 9am, AWANAS (Grades K-6, Wednesdays 6-7:30pm) Contact: Linda Allen
- Baxter Church of the Way Youth Group (7th-12th grade, Sunday evenings 4:15-6pm) Contact: Ashley and Nate Smith
Growing Greatness Learning Center
Owner/Director: Lindsay Bethards (515-208-1509)
Baxter Adult Organizations
Baxter Farmer's Market
- Hosted Wednesday evenings 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
- 120 S Main Street
- Give them a call at 515-313-8461 for more infomation
Baxter Economic Development Corp. (BEDCO)
- City Economic Development Committee
- Baxter Iowa Development | Facebook
Baxter Chamber Of Commerce
- Business Support Group
Natalie Moorman – 641-227-3650 - Baxter Chamber of Commerce | Facebook
Baxter Community Educational Scholarships
- Scholarships for Baxter High School students
Colette Kunkel
Baxter PTO – Parent Teacher Organization
- Educational Support Group
Lindsay Bethards – 515-208-1509
Co-Chair – Anna Travis 515-460-2010
Baxter Public Library
- Book Club: 1st Monday of the month at 6pm
- Cribbage: Mondays from 4-5pm
- Quilt Club: 3rd Wed. of the month at 6pm
Baxter Bolts Boosters
- Jr./Sr. High School Sports Support Group
Betsy Damman- - Baxter Athletic Boosters | Facebook
Baxter School Music Boosters
- Jr./Sr. High School Music Support Group
Chris Roby: 515-480-0376 - Baxter Bolts Music Boosters | Facebook
Adult Rec Program
- Softball/Volleyball/Basketball
Gennypher Popenhagen - 515-408-1451 - Baxter Adult Recreation | Facebook
Baxter Wellness Center Committee
Ashley Swank 641-840-0079
Hometown Pride Committee
Gennypher Popenhagen - 515-408-1451
Garden Club
- Deb Krampe- 641-521-1263
- Peggy Smith
- Macy Lisk – President
Masonic Lodge
- Men's Group
Ryan Fredregill
American Legion
- Men's Group
Greg Christianson – 641-227-3760
Baxter Fun Days Committee
- Fun Days Organization
Lindsay Black – 515-210-0890 - Baxter Fun Days | Facebook
Baxter Congregational Church
- Sunday Worship: Sept.-May at 10am, May-Aug. at 9:30am
- Wednesday evening Bible Study at 6pm
- Theology on Tap: 3rd Thurs. of the month at Bea's Place at 6pm
- Women's Church Group
Marlys Colyn – 641-227-3625
Baxter Bethany UCC Worship Committee
- Janet Damman-
Food Pantry
- Jo Cross – 641-227-3391
Christmas in Baxter
- Christmas in Baxter | Facebook
- Gennypher Popenhagen - 515-408-1451